Urgent Notice: AAFD Members and Friends are Urged to Support California Fair Franchising Legislation! Senate Action is Imminent! Please act now!

By Published On: May 28th, 2013

Fair franchising legislation authored by State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson and sponsored by the AAFD is scheluled for a vote by the California State Senate the week of May 27.  This is the best opportunity in years to have major franchisee protection legislation enacted to protect the vital interests of franchise owners.

Senate Bill SB610 will impose an affirmative and enforceable duty of good faith and fair dealing between franchisors and franchisees. If passed, California law will require that franchisors act fairly and in good faith when enforcing one-sided franchise agreements.  The bill also protects the right of franchisees to organize and support independent franchisee associations.

All franchisees, especially California franchisees, are urged to take a few minutes to voice your support for this important legislation!  Show your support by calling and faxing California State Senate offices with a simple statement urging a YES vote for Senate Bill 610.  The coming week is critical.  Three calls will be huge; ten calls even more so!  Use this link for a list of all California Senators and their phone numbers. http://senate.ca.gov/senators

Read more about the Proposed California Fair Franchising Legislation. 


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