Put Your Franchise to the Test with the AAFD’s New Self-Evaluation Tool

By Published On: May 20th, 2013

The AAFD is proud to offer its new and current members an invaluable tool that will help them assess the strengths and weaknesses of their current franchise or a franchise they may be seeking to buy.

The AAFD’s Franchise Opportunity Self-Evaluation Tool is a FREE tool for AAFD members that was built using the same metrics as our AAFD Franchise Opportunity Review service. The tool’s evaluation criteria is based on the AAFD’s principles of Total Quality Franchising, our cornerstone manifesto Eight Things to Look for in a Franchise Opportunity, and the AAFD Franchisee Bill of Rights.

The AAFD Franchise Evaluation tool lays out a list of twenty-one essential elements that are present in a worthy franchise opportunity. self-evaluation-ToolUsers rate each element of a particular franchise using a numerical score.  Because each element is deemed to be a critical criterion for franchise selection, each element has a suggested value of 100 points.  Adding up the score of each franchise opportunity being evaluated will allow users to understand the overall strength of the franchise’s business plan, as well as the rights and protections provided to the franchisee in the franchise agreement.

This tool is a great resource for both prospective and existing franchise owners.  It is intended to raise red flags and separate good prospects from poor opportunities, but not as a substitution for engaging qualified counsel to review any opportunity under serious consideration prior to investing. Current franchise owners can benefit from this tool as well, especially when their franchise is up for renewal.

The AAFD Franchise Opportunity Self-Evaluation Tool will be provided to all new AAFD Associate Members as part of their initial membership package. Current AAFD members can contact the AAFD to request access to the tool.

Just keep in mind that this tool is not a substitution for professional legal consultation. The AAFD strongly urges all prospective and current franchise owners to seek advice and representation from a knowledgeable and experienced franchise attorney. All AAFD Associate Members are entitled to a free consultation from any one of the experienced and knowledgeable franchise attorneys in our LegaLineSM network.

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