Last chance to send in your TQF Awards nominations

By Published On: February 10th, 2021

Know Any Great Franchisors, Franchisees, Franchise Associations, or Franchise Suppliers?

The AAFD is still looking for nominations for our Total Quality Franchising Awards (TQFA), and we want to hear from you.
  • Do know any franchisees who are fighting the good fight to achieve Total Quality Franchising?
  • Has your franchisee association made amazing strides this year?
  • Have you received the deal of a lifetime from a franchisee supplier?
Tell us about it, so we can celebrate their achievements!
Submitting a nomination is easy. Just click on the link above to visit our TQFA nomination page and fill out our form. It will take you less than five minutes.

Hurry! Nominations are due by March 10th 12th.
We appreciate you taking your time to help us identify deserving candidates.


Amy Mancuso is the Executive Director at the AAFD. This position requires the ability to wear many hats, be adaptable, as well as be a team player in every sense of the word. As Executive Director, one of Amy’s key responsibilities is Membership. This includes being responsible for acquiring new members, developing recruitment strategies to grow membership as well as focusing on retention and engagement. In addition to Membership, Amy is part of the Executive Leadership team and is instrumental in the day-to-day operations of the organization.

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