A Message from AAFD Trustees

By Published On: May 1st, 2024

We are looking forward to your participation at the 2024 AAFD Franchisee Leadership Summit.

In a national climate in which the very concept of collaboration seems to be vanishing from our culture, the AAFD’s vision for Total Quality Franchising® has never been more necessary. And our opportunity for success has never seemed brighter!

When the AAFD was formed in 1992, there were only a handful of franchisee associations, and “collaboration” was an unknown term. Over the past 32 years, the AAFD has promulgated its Fair Franchising Standards; formed scores of associations; fostered positive working relationships between franchisors and franchisees; and granted the prestigious Franchisor of the Year Award to several forward-thinking franchisors.

As our theme suggests, we come together in 2024 with a sense that the winds of change and reform are in our favor. Over the next three days AAFD members and delegates will perceive that our government is listening, that the major reforms regarding franchisee rights are, for the first time, within our grasp, and there are steps we can take within the franchising community to improve our brands and businesses.

Thank you for joining us as we rise above the challenges of this difficult decade and prepare for better days. And for helping us celebrate 32 years of advocacy for franchisee rights and interests. We are coming together to advance the important work of advancing the Total Quality Franchising cause.

We recognize that your attendance this particular year reflects an important commitment to raise the common voice of franchisees and the empowerment of independent franchisee associations. This conference, like the culture of successful franchising, is a collaborative experience. We come together to learn from each other, to support each other, and to pay homage to those who have led the way to the best practices in franchising.

The Franchisee Leadership Summit is an opportunity to network with franchisee associations of all types and sizes. We hope to provide a spark for new and existing associations to keep their associations vital, to share experience and knowledge. We believe that strong franchisee leadership is one of the cornerstones of our mission to empower Total Quality Franchising and we look forward to a successful conference.

Robert L. Purvin, Jr.,
Chair Board of Trustees

Richard Stroiney
Trustees & CEO

Keith Miller
Trustee and Director of Public Affairs

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