Franchise Trademark Chapters / Associations List
The AAFD is organized by the creation of trademark specific chapters for each of the franchise systems for whom we have at least five (5) franchisee members. Affiliated independent franchisee associations are also granted chapter status in the AAFD. The Presidents or elected chapter delegates of active AAFD Trademark Chapters make up our Franchisee Leadership Council, the equivalent of the Association’s legislative body.
To date, the AAFD has helped over 80,000 businesses, joined together advocating for the causes that matter most to their specific brands!
Franchisees of the following brands have either launched their independent franchisee associations as AAFD chapters or have associations affiliated with the AAFD. *Listing of brand names does not suggest or imply that the ownership of the brand either supports or endorses the AAFD.
For information about forming an AAFD Trademark Chapter for your franchise system, or to join an existing Chapter, contact AAFD Support at or call us toll free: 1-800-733-9858.