AAFD Legislative Introduction
I want to start by telling the AAFD membership how excited I am to be working with this organization as the Director of Public Affairs and Engagement. I thank Robert Purvin for giving me this opportunity to work with all of you in bringing more focus and engagement to the legislative and political process. I truly believe in the power of franchisees to engage in issues that positively impact them, and of course, working to build and protect the equity in their businesses.
For those that attended the 2019 Leadership Summit in Mesa and the opening keynote session, I discussed some of the efforts I have been working on, and specifically had everyone in the room pull out their cell phones and look up their United States House of Representatives member. For those that weren’t there, go to www.house.gov, and using your zip code, look up your House member. It may require a full address in addition to your zip. I would now like each of you to send an email to kmiller@franchiseeadvocacy.com with your name, phone number, brand, Twitter account (if you have one) and the name of your House member. You can also send me the House member, if different, for your business location or locations. This information allows me to build a data base for use to engage you in the process as I will know your House member and Senators. As I work with specific members or committees, I may reach out to you with specific instructions to contact your representatives. This is the start to our efforts to make our voices heard, in mass. While people often complain about “special interests”, it’s what I want to see, to see franchisees stand up, speak out, and be seen as an effect “special interest”. Let the others complain about us!
For those that did attend the Leadership Summit, I previously sent an email asking for your House member. Thank you to the many that responded, and I was able to take advantage of that with having many of you make an initial contact while I was in the Washington, DC last week. It’s a great feeling when I go into a meeting and the staff person tells me they’ve heard from a constituent on the issue. It’s a perfect way to start the meeting.
Thank you in advance for your assistance, and I look forward to working with all AAFD members to strengthen our voices to our elected representatives.