AAFD White Paper Series: The New NLRB Joint Employer Rule—Unpacking the Conundrum for Franchisees: Why AAFD Accreditation can eliminate the Joint Employer Threat in Franchising

By Published On: February 29th, 2024


We are pleased to link the AAFD’s new White Paper  on the Association’s position with respect to the NLRB’s revised Joint Employer Rule that will be going into effect on March 11, 2024. Many members have inquired about the joint employer rule, and how it impacts franchise owners. As you will see, we describe a conundrum for franchisees regarding the revised rule, and we make some suggestions for improvements.

We urge all AAFD members to take a few minutes to review this important position statement. We are pleased to advise that our White Paper has already been shared with the NLRB and we have been invited to have discussions regarding our evaluation and recommendations.

The AAFD White Paper on the NLRB Joint Employer Rule is the first in a series of White Papers the AAFD intends to issue and publish over the next several months.

LINK: AAFD’s new White Paper on the Association’s position with respect to the NLRB’s revised Joint Employer Rule 


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