Franchise Fairness Legislation Advances in California
On Tuesday, April 16, 2013, the California Senate Judiciary Committee approved proposed fair franchising legislation authored by State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson and sponsored by the AAFD.
Senate Bill SB610 will impose an affirmative and enforceable duty of good faith and fair dealing between franchisors and franchisees. If passed, California law will require that franchisors act fairly and in good faith when enforcing one-sided franchise agreements. When franchisors act unfairly with respect to the sale, renewal, transfer or termination of a franchise, franchisees can sue to recover damages and attorney’s fees caused and/or incurred by the unfair treatment, and treble damages where circumstances warrant.
Equally important, the bill would amend the California Franchise Relationship Law to prohibit franchisors from inhibiting franchisees from joining and participating in franchisee associations.
The AAFD supports this legislation, and AAFD Chairman, Robert Purvin, testified before the Senate Committee on in support of the bill. The entire hearing, including Mr. Purvin’s testimony is being podcast by The AAFD has offered amendments to further strengthen the bill—seeking to give franchisee associations the ability bring legal actions to protect franchisee rights under the bill.
For more information about SB 610, contact us. We are pleased to accept letters of support and monetary donations targeted to support this legislation and other AAFD legislative initiatives.