The Federal Trade Commission held an Open Meeting on November 18, 2021. During that meeting, both Robert Purvin, AAFD Chairman, and Keith Miller, AAFD Director of Public Affairs & Engagement took advantage of the opportunity to speak directly to the FTC Commissioners in this public forum. Each speaker was allowed to address the Commission for 2 minutes on any matter concerning FTC authority. Both Purvin and Miller focused their remarks to expand FTC oversight and regulation of franchisor abuses of supplier mandates. AAFD Members and subscribers can access the FTC Open Meeting with the following link. Keith starts at 17:45 (yes, his camera froze) and Robert starts at 24:30. These open meetings are now monthly and we would encourage franchisee leaders to take advantage of this opportunity. If interested, reach out to your Chapter Coordinator.
Keith Miller
Keith is the AAFD preeminent voice for political action in support of franchisee rights at both the Federal and State level. Keith has been an active leader and voice for franchisee causes over the past twenty plus years, with a growing track record of bringing franchisee friendly legislation introduced and adopted throughout the USA. Keith is also a multi-unit Subway franchisee, and understands the challenges and opportunities that come with being in business for oneself. He is passionate about protecting the interests of franchisee business owners, and will work tirelessly to ensure that they are treated fairly under the law.