AAFD Welcomes

Get HR/Labor Law Advice You Need, When You Need It
On-demand, unlimited HR/Labor Law Advice for a Monthly Flat Fee for AAFD members
The AAFD is excited to announce that myHRcounsel has extended their exclusive AAFD member offering and reaffirmed their support for the AAFD Total Quality Franchising.
myHRcounsel LLC, is an online, on demand legal services company providing Franchisee Business Owners with unlimited HR/labor law services, corporate law and welfare benefit plan (“ERISA”) law.
The AAFD has been most impressed by myHRcounsel’s ability to extend valuable and affordable legal support for our franchisee members in their human resource needs. I encourage our members to investigate these valuable services.
AAFD members can now purchase the program ASK HR™ for a special discounted price of $99 per franchisee unit (reg. $1.99 per employee per month, minimum $149 per company/unit per month). Subscribing to ASK HR gives franchisees the ability to proactively become legally compliant and stay compliant without running up huge legal bills! myHRcounsel also provides real property lease reviews for a flat $2,000 and also provides unlimited HR and corporate law (including reviews of vendor and client agreements, for just $249 per franchisee unit.
Signing up is easy/immediate – you can be asking actual legal questions or receiving custom attorney-drafted documents in minutes.
AAFD Members can access myHRcounsel through the AAFD Suppliers Network and we have included a special link through the AAFD Franchisee LegaLinesm network.
To learn more about myHRcounsel’s industry-changing legal services for AAFD members, please contact Mark Young.
Mark Young, Esq, SPHR
myHRcounsel LLC