Lock In 2017 AAFD Rates Now! AAFD Announces Dues Increases Phase In

By Published On: April 10th, 2018

If you have considered joining the AAFD or are already member, now is the time to act in order to lock in 2017 dues rates. After holding the line on dues rates since 2014, mounting expenses have compelled the AAFD Trustees to announce a dues increase to phase in over the next twelve months starting June 1, 2018. Higher membership dues will be used primarily to cover the AAFD’s increased labor costs and the just announced upgrade of the AAFD Member Management support platform.

AAFD Chairman, Robert Purvin, stressed the AAFD’s commitment to affordable dues and sustainable value at all membership levels. “We have had only one dues increase over the past 20 years, and we are committed to affordable dues and a high level of service,” said Robert Purvin, Chairman of the AAFD. “The expansion and upgrades to the AAFD Member Management support system adds substantial value, but also additional costs that we need to absorb. At the same time, we need to be competitive in compensating AAFD team members for all their hard work.”

Purvin also stressed that new dues rates for new members will not be increased until June 1, 2018.  All members who join the AAFD  before June 1, 2018, will enjoy current rates until their next membership renewal. AAFD annual dues rates will increase for renewing members on January 1, 2019.  For members on the AAFD’s Painless Payment (monthly payment) Plan, the new dues increase will take effect on January 1, 2019.

The AAFD has also announced a major upgrade to the AAFD Member Management support system through a new partnership with MemberLeap (see companion announcement). The new program, which includes chapter websites and member engagement opportunities, will necessitate new charges for AAFD ‘active’ chapters, which will incur a $500 website development cost and a monthly management and hosting fee of $50 per month when a chapter goes ‘active.’ These increases may impact chapter dues that are assessed by each AAFD chapter.

The AAFD is committed to providing a wide range of support to its members, including marketing, legal, and legislative support along with a variety of general member benefits. Additionally, every chapter receives direct communication and assistance from an assigned AAFD member coordinator.

Starting June 1, the new dues rates will be as follows (some exceptions may apply):

Franchisee Members:

  • Initiation Fee: $70 (previously $60)
  • Annual National Dues for forming and small chapters: $300 (previously $280). Small chapter annual dues include a chapter dues credit of $70 per member (increased from $60).
  • Annual National Dues for Active Chapters: $240 (previously $220), PLUS Chapter dues as set by each chapter’s Board of Directors, with a default amount increased from $60 to $70.
  • Additional Unit Dues: $55 per unit (previously $50 per unit)

The increased price for annual renewal of national dues and unit dues will take effect for all members who renew after January 1, 2019. Additionally, the AAFD recommends that chapter dues be increased to $70 per year, or as determined according to each chapter’s annual budget.

Associate and Affiliate Memberships: Both Associate and Affiliate Membership prices will remain the same at this time.

Until June 1, 2018 AAFD membership is effectively On Sale! All members and prospective members are urged to take advantage of our dues in effect since 2015!

[su_button url=”https://www.aafd.org/join/” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#2D89EF” color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””] Join today and save[/su_button]

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