Association Membership Benefits & Dues
Association Membership Benefits AAFD’s reservoir of talent and knowledge. The AAFD’s exclusive Franchisee Leadership Council, our network of association leaders, represents hundreds of years of franchise association leadership and problem solving experience. Share and address ideas, problems, solutions of interest to franchisees and franchisee associations for the purpose of enhancing your association’s individual agenda.
Education. Learn from leading experts at AAFD sponsored programs regarding best practices in franchising, small business, and association operations.
Support for better and fairer franchise agreements. The AAFD is the world’s foremost advocate of negotiated franchise relationships. As the voice of franchising from the franchisees’ perspective, the AAFD promotes our vision of best practices and collaborative relationships that we call Total Quality Franchising®.
Support and Promotion of AAFD Fair Franchising Standards and Legislative Advocacy. Benefit directly from thousands of hours of invested talent from franchisees, franchisors and franchise attorneys who have negotiated the only comprehensive body of fair and balanced franchising standards to help guide your negotiations and franchisor/franchisee relations.
Your Association is granted AAFD chapter status, which includes:
- Discounted ‘members only’ rates for AAFD presentations and workshops at your Association’s meetings.
- Steeply discounted AAFD Affiliate Membership for all your members.
- Discounts and special ‘members only’ pricing for products and services from scores of AAFD Supplier Members, including the AAFD’s exclusive Branded Partner programs.
- $1000 discount to have your currently offered franchise agreement graded against the AAFD’s Fair Franchising Standards ($6000 value!) for an Association member price of $4500.
- Cost effective association management services and support.