Membership FAQs2021-01-26T09:23:49-08:00

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to join?2024-03-13T22:03:21-07:00

Our Franchisee Chapter Membership start $37 monthly plus a one-time initiation fee of $95. View all memberships.

How can I pay for my Membership?2020-08-31T14:23:14-07:00

Members can pay on an annual basis OR sign up for our monthly payment program, which is an automatic charge to a credit card or electronic fund transfer from a Financial Institution.

Do I need form a separate corporation to join the AAFD?2020-08-31T14:23:45-07:00

There is no need to form and maintain a separate corporation, or to incur the expense of filing annual tax returns, as you are included in the AAFD’s annual filings!

Will I have to file my own tax returns?2020-08-31T14:24:25-07:00

As a Trademark chapter of the AAFD, your tax-exempt status is protected under the AAFD’s 501(c)(6) tax exemption.

How is the AAFD organized?2020-08-31T14:24:42-07:00

The AAFD is organized by the formation of exclusive Trademark Chapters representing all of the franchised systems.

What is a Steering Committee?2020-08-31T14:25:05-07:00

The Steering Committee is made up of the association members.  Generally, those who are instrumental in getting the Chapter started will take on an interim leadership position until you elect an official board.  The Steering Committee is critical in getting the Chapter launched and “out of the gate” to ensure success from the beginning.  All members are invited and encouraged to serve on the Steering Committee so that everyone has a voice.

When is our Chapter official?2020-08-31T14:25:28-07:00

For a chapter to officially launch, the AAFD requires a minimum of five (5) members to join.

Can I join anonymously?2020-08-31T14:25:51-07:00

Yes.  If a member wants to join anonymously, here are two options:

  1. Request to be marked as anonymous in the AAFD’s CRM system (member database).  This does not protect you against true anonymity as the association leadership will know who the member(s) is/are, therefore, your identify could be known.
  2. For true anonymity, the member should join through an attorney who will certify that he is legal counsel for the franchisee who desired to join anonymously.  The chapter leaders may want additional validation that the member is, in fact, who he claims.  Using this method, the AAFD doesn’t know who the member is and true anonymity is achieved.
We have been using another franchise attorney up to now; any benefit to using one of the attorney’s from the AAFD LegaLine?2020-08-31T14:26:08-07:00

Members of the AAFD LegaLine agree to offer discounts to our member franchisees and chapters.  If you are happy with your current counsel, there is no reason to change but it is possible he/she will be interested in becoming part of the LegaLine Program.

In case of any retaliation, are the current formation team members protected with D&O insurance? When does it take effect?2020-08-31T14:26:45-07:00

The AAFD’s D&O policy protects our chapter boards and officers.  You would need to have bylaws in place in order for this to take effect.

What is an approved chapter expense?2020-08-31T14:27:02-07:00

Legal fees, travel reimbursement, SOW, etc.  Generally, anything the board approves that is chapter-related.

Who would be considered an Authorized Officer if we have not codified the association yet?2020-08-31T14:27:27-07:00

Your Steering Committee can elect interim officers until you have bylaws in place and an elected board.

Who conducts our Election?2020-08-31T14:27:48-07:00

The AAFD will conduct your election.

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