We Need Your Help to Write an Important Article Advocating on Behalf of Franchisees
Andrew Malzahn, Caroline Fichter, and Adam Matheson, three ‘franchisee’ lawyers, are writing an article advocating on behalf of franchisees in response to a ‘pro-franchisor’ article recently published in the Franchise Law Journal (which is published by the American Bar Association Forum on Franchising). Malzahn, Fichter, and Matheson are asking franchisees like you to take a short, five-minute survey so that the authors can gain a clearer picture of the franchise sales process and franchise relationships.
The ‘pro-franchisor’ article, in somewhat of an indirect fashion, argued that today’s franchisees are less susceptible to fraud, overreaching, unfair treatment, or other abuses from franchisors today than they were in the past. In response, the ‘franchisee’ lawyers are conducting a survey of franchisees nationwide to collect empirical evidence of the imbalance of power between franchisors and franchisees and the continued and widespread prevalence of franchisor misdeeds.
The ‘franchisee lawyers,’ as authors of the new article from the franchisee perspective, are reaching out to AAFD members to participate in this important effort. “It is important for franchisees to respond to ‘pro-franchisor’ arguments that do not fairly represent the current franchising environment,” said Andrew Malzahn, one of the ‘pro-franchisee’ article authors. Therefore, Andrew Malzahn and his co-authors are kindly asking for franchisees to take the five (or less) minutes required to complete a “franchisee” survey.
The AAFD invites and encourages franchisee support of this effort.
Take the Survey: https://eSurv.org?u=franchisee_survey
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Andrew Malzahn directly at amalzahn@dadygardner.com
Thank you in advance!