And the Total Quality Franchising Award Nominees Are…
AAFD to Recognize Founder, Don Sniegowski for Lifetime Achievement and Robert Zarco for AAFD Chairman’s Award for Distinguished Service to the Franchising Community.
[su_spacer size=”30″][/su_spacer] The Emmys are over, but the Total Quality Franchising Award nominees have just been announced!Every year the AAFD hosts the Total Quality Franchising Awards to celebrate the franchisees, associations, and suppliers who are leading the charge in the fight for fair franchising. Below, we are proud to announce this year’s nominees in each category as well as our chosen recipients for The AAFD’s Lifetime Achievement and Chairman’s Award.
Take a look at the full list below to see if you recognize any names. You might even see your own!
Lifetime Achievement Award
This is perhaps the most prestigious annual recognition of individuals whose lifetime body of effort has benefited the franchising community and who has contributed greatly to the cause of Total Quality Franchising over many years.
- Don Sniegowski, Founder and Editor of
Franchisor of the Year Award
This award is given to a franchisor that has demonstrated respect for the AAFD’s Fair Franchising Standards and excellent citizenship toward its franchisees.
No nominees were submitted[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#32c9f3″ link_color=”#ccc” size=”1″ margin=”20″]
Franchisee Member of the Year
This award recognizes an individual franchisee who has worked hard to advance the ideals of the Fair Franchising Standards in the previous year. This individual embodies the spirit of fair franchising and has made a difference in the franchising community.
- Carmen Mazzarella – President, PIFA (Pearle Vision Franchisee Chapter)
- Larry Karp and April Porter, Chair and Vice-Chair of IA9RF (9Round Fitness Franchisees Chapter)
- Matt Kraus, President of the IASHF, (Synergy Homecare Franchisees Chapter)
- Paul Wichman – Mover and Shaker, BIFA (BrightStar Independent Franchisee Association)
- Reed Morgan – Past President, IABF (Independent Association of BNI Franchisees)
- D. Heiden and Rudy Bazelmans – President and Vice President of ERA-FOA (Expense Reduction Analysts Franchisees Chapter)
AAFD Trailblazer Award
The Trailblazer Award is given to one or more individuals who have worked tirelessly to increase the membership within their franchisee chapter.
- Carmine Mazzarella – President, PIFA (Pearle Vision Franchisees Chapter
- Chris LeBreck – President, EFKFA (Engineering for Kids Franchisee Chapter)
- Linda Stanfield – President, HSFOA (Ben Franklin Plumbing, One Hour Air Conditioning and Mr. Sparky Franchisee Chapters)
- Paul Wichman – Mover and Shaker, BIFA (BrightStar Independent Franchisee Association) and Co-Chair of the 2018 AAFD Franchisee Leadership Summit
- D. Heiden and Rudy Bazelmans – President and Vice President, ERA-FOA (Expense Reduction Analysts Franchisee Chapter)
- Steering Committee of PFA (Pinot’s Palette Franchisee Chapter)
The AAFD Chairman’s Award
This award is presented to one or more individuals or companies that the acting AAFD Chairman feels have admirably upheld the values of Total Quality Franchising throughout the previous year.
- Robert Zarco, Partner at Zarco, Einhorn, Salkowski, Brito
Supporting Member of the Year Award
The Supporting Member of the Year Award recognizes an AAFD Supplier Member that has provided great assistance to our member over the last year.
- Direct Advantage, Andrew Ettinger, CEO
- Ideagility, Janet Quinn, CEO
- SimplHealth, Steven Chapkin, CEO
- Zarco, Einhorn, Salkowski and Brito
AAFD Chapter of the Year Award
This award recognizes the AAFD Chapter that has made the most progress in the previous year. In determining the winner of this award, we look at things like membership growth, membership retention, overall chapter activity, and chapter achievements. The Chapter of the Year Award showcases all that a well-functioning, committed chapter can achieve for its membership.
- BrightStar Care Independent Franchisee Association (BIFA)
- Griswold Home Care Franchisee Association (GHCFA)
- Homes and Land Franchisee Chapter (HALO)
- Home Services Franchise Owners Association (HSFOA), Ben Franklin Plumbing, One Hour Air Conditioning and Mr. Sparky Electric Franchisee Chapter
- Independent Association of BNI Franchisees (IABF)
- Independent Association of SYNERGY HomeCare Franchisees (IASHF)
Rookie Chapter of the Year Award
The Rookie Chapter of the Year Award goes to a chapter that was created in the last year that has shown the most growth, activity, and forward momentum. This award celebrates the development of a thriving new AAFD chapter that we hope will continue to achieve great things for its members.
- EFKFA, Engineering for Kids Franchisee Chapter
- ERA-FOA, Expense Reduction Analysts Franchisee Chapter
- IA9RF, 9Round Fitness Franchisee Chapter
- PFA, Pinot’s Palette Franchisee Chapter
- PIFA, Pearle Vision Franchisee Chapter
AAFD Team Member of the Year Award
Each year, the AAFD Chairman will select one employee of the AAFD who has distinguished himself or herself throughout the year by his or her hard work and dedication to the organization. The recipient of this award will also earn a special bonus of $1000.
Chairman’s Decision[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#32c9f3″ link_color=”#ccc” size=”1″ margin=”40″]
[su_box title=”Join Us for the Total Quality Franchising Awards” box_color=”#fefefe” title_color=”#27aae1″ radius=”2″]We will be announcing the winners in each category at our Total Quality Franchising Awards Banquet & Gala, which will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 23rdat the Chase Park Hotel in St. Louis. Our TQF Awards Banquet and Gala has been called the ‘crown jewel’ of the AAFD’s Franchisee Leadership Summit and Conference.We welcome you to join us and support the leaders of fair franchising at our awards banquet and encourage you to join us for the entire leadership summit. You can find out more information or make your reservations today on our conference website.[/su_box]