Unions on the rise – what you need to know as an employer
We’ve all heard it and most of us have also seen it: reports of employees of fast food restaurants, big box stores, warehouses unionizing. Reports on the nightly news ...
3 Ways Business Brokers Can Be of Value to Franchise Owners
When it comes to unlocking the true value of your business, it’s often a case of you don’t know what you don’t know. Any franchise owner seeking to exit their ...
Chosen Payments Tips, Where Fees Go
Many merchants falsely believe all of the fees they pay go to their credit card processor. If that was the case there would probably be a lot more credit card ...
The Myth of the Health Insurance Silver Bullet
It’s a good question. All across our country, consumers are facing higher-than-ever deductibles on their health insurance (especially self-employed franchisees). It’s no surprise that health care is already a leading issue of the upcoming election. Many presidential contenders are advocating for universal health care (also called “Health Care for All” or “Medicare for All”). Is universal health care the silver bullet we’ve all been waiting for?
The Franchise Industry, Heavily Regulated? – Shattering the Myth
Introduction by the AAFD As we have often reported, one of the most egregious “myths” promoted by franchisors is that the franchising industry is heavily regulated “like the securities industry.” ...
You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but… Creating a Health Care System that Could Work for America
While I don’t profess to have all the answers for creating a perfect healthcare system, I do have an advanced degree in health-related studies. And since the health care universe has been a major part of my professional life for the past 35 years, I feel as though I have acquired some unique insights into the workings of the business of health. It is with this knowledge that I read with interest and, sometimes, great amusement, the proposals for replacement of the PPACA, colloquially known as Obamacare.
5 Tips on Finding a Cost-Effective Phone System for Small Businesses
Finding a phone system that fits a small business's needs and budget can be a challenge. Traditional phone systems are expensive; most come with long-term contracts and early termination costs and can be difficult to set up. Cell phones are convenient, but when small business owners and employees use their personal numbers, there’s always the chance of mixing business with pleasure or being interrupted while off the clock – or even worse, having to juggle two devices!
Before You Start An Independent Business, Is A Franchise Available?
Is it finally time to chuck the cubicle, endless conference calls, and 9 – 5? Are you ready to start your own business? Running a business can be an incredibly ...
The “absolute discretion” trap
[two_third_last][su_spacer size="5"] Sometimes one or two words in a franchise agreement can be the difference between financial life and financial death for a franchisee. As an attorney who routinely represents ...
Franchisees and the Challenge of Social Networking
Social media marketing is almost a requirement for businesses nowadays. More and more businesses are discovering that social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest can help them connect to ...
No Penalties For Not Telling Workers About Healthcare Exchanges
On October 1st, despite a government shutdown and the looming threat of the United States government defaulting on its debts, many provisions of the Affordable Care Act (popularly referred to ...
Have You Turned In Your 2012 Census Form?
All businesses rely on the U.S. government in some form or another, including franchises. The more accurate data the government has, the better decisions and allocations it can make when ...